How to make money online through affiliate marketing Print

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One of the most popular ways of making money online is through affiliate marketing. As per affiliate marketing is estimated to be worth $12 billion in 2022, while US alone will account for 8.2 billion of this as per Statista. In the boundaryless digital world you can work not only for Indian affiliate marketing programs but also of US or any other part of the world. So, if you have been planning to try affiliate marketing then here are the things you must know about  ..making money online through affiliate marketing.

What is an online affiliate marketing program?
Online affiliate marketing can be loosely defined as an online referral mechanism in which a business selling certain products or services pays you for referring customers when you use your website to highlight or promote their products and services with hyperlinks redirecting customers to the seller’s website and leading to a successful sale. The websites promoting products or services of others are called affiliate partners of the res ..

How does affiliate marketing work?
When you want to buy a juicer mixer, a smartphone or avail of a spa service at home, how do you find the best product or service that not only meets your requirements but also offers the best value for money? A popular method used by many is to do an online search which leads one to search results with many websites offering relevant information with their unique insights and recommendations. With their shortlisted and recommended products or services, ..



What kind of earnings to expect
Typically, most of the affiliate networks pay in the range of 5% - 15% of the successful conversion of lead into sales from a given link. However, a good number of sellers offer lower commissions especially in highly competitive product segments. Most of the sales may lead to a one-time payments, however, some referrals may earn recurring payments based on the kind of product or services being sold. The recurring payment happens mostly in the regular subscription

The success mantra for online affiliate marketing

  • Have patience as it takes time
  • Choose right product that you are confident about
  • Have more than one attractive product to diversify
  • Do the research to assess the product demand
  • Select a right advertiser that meets your requirement
  • Choose a right web platform and design
  • Provide useful information related to product and service

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